About Us
Scout Troop 75 in Los Altos, CA was founded in 1964 as a parent-chartered troop. It is affiliated with the Stanford branch of the Pacific Skyline Council.
Our friendly troop has about 50 scouts and is very active. We are large enough to support many activities, but small enough so that the boys have an opportunity to get to know everyone! Most months, we have at least two activities. Also, we go as a troop to a week-long summer camp in the Sierras every year. Our scouts enjoy outdoor activities like camping, hiking and backpacking.
Our programs allow scouts to have serious fun while they try new things, provide service to others, build self-confidence, learn outdoor skills, and build valuable friendships.

Our youth leaders work with the scouts to plan many activities each year. In addition to camping, other activities have included:
Road biking
Mountain biking
Skiing in the Sierras
Various difficulties of backpacking
Scouting for Food
Rock climbing
Memorial Day flag placement
Sacred Heart community service
We go camping by lakes, beaches, caves, and more!
Scout Advancement
Our patrol leaders and older scouts work with the younger scouts on rank advancement all year long. Older scouts teach skills to younger scouts. There are more opportunities at summer camp and “Merit Badge Midways.” Scouts are encouraged to earn merit badges individually or in groups. Many parents and outside experts become merit badge counselors. Troop 75 has three Court of Honor ceremonies per year to recognize our scouts’ achievements.